Invoicing for Freelancers: What You Need to Know About the Rules and Regulations in Different Countries

Invoicing for Freelancers: What You Need to Know About the Rules and Regulations in Different Countries
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Invoicing for Freelancers: What You Need to Know About the Rules and Regulations in Different Countries

Invoicing is an essential part of freelancing, as it allows you to get paid for your work and keep track of your income and expenses. However, invoicing can also be a challenging task, especially if you work with clients from different countries.

Invoicing is an essential part of freelancing, as it allows you to get paid for your work and keep track of your income and expenses. However, invoicing can also be a challenging task, especially if you work with clients from different countries. Different countries have different invoicing rules and regulations that you need to comply with, such as the information you need to include on your invoices, the format and language you need to use, the taxes you need to charge and pay, and the deadlines you need to meet. In this article, we will compare the invoicing practices for freelancers in five European countries: Germany, Portugal, the UK, and Romania. We will look at the following aspects of invoicing:

• The invoicing requirements and standards

• The invoicing methods and tools

• The invoicing best practices and tips

The Invoicing Requirements and Standards

The invoicing requirements and standards are the rules and regulations that freelancers need to follow when creating and sending invoices to their clients. These include the information that must be included on the invoices, the format and language that must be used, and the taxes that must be charged and paid.


United Kindom

The Netherlands




Invoicing requirements and standards

Freelancers must issue invoices within 30 days of completing the service. Invoices must include the following information:

- The full name and address of the freelancer and the client

- The tax number or VAT identification number of the freelancer

- The invoice number and date

- The date and place of the service

- The description and quantity of the service

- The net amount, VAT amount, and total amount - The payment terms and methods Freelancers can use any language and currency for their invoices, as long as they provide a translation and a conversion if requested by the client or the tax authority. Freelancers must charge and pay VAT at the standard rate of 20%, unless they are exempt or use the flat rate scheme.

Freelancers must issue invoices within 15 days of completing the service. Invoices must include the following information:

- The full name and address of the freelancer and the client

- The tax number or VAT identification number of the freelancer

- The invoice number and date

- The date and place of the service

- The description and quantity of the service - The net amount, VAT amount, and total amount - The payment terms and methods Freelancers must use the Dutch language and the Euro currency for their invoices, unless agreed otherwise with the client.

Freelancers must issue invoices within six months of completing the service. Invoices must include the following information:

- The full name and address of the freelancer and the client

- The tax number or VAT identification number of the freelancer

- The invoice number and date - The date and place of the service

- The description and quantity of the service

- The net amount, VAT amount, and total amount

- The payment terms and methods Freelancers must use the German language and the Euro currency for their invoices, unless agreed otherwise with the client. Freelancers must charge and pay VAT at the standard rate of 19%, unless they are exempt or use the small business scheme.

Freelancers must issue invoices within 15 days of completing the service. Invoices must include the following information:

- The full name and address of the freelancer and the client

- The tax number or VAT identification number of the freelancer and the client

- The invoice number and date

- The date and place of the service

- The description and quantity of the service

- The net amount, VAT amount, and total amount

- The payment terms and methods Freelancers must use the Romanian language and the Romanian Leu currency for their invoices, unless agreed otherwise with the client. Freelancers must charge and pay VAT at the standard rate of 19%, unless they are exempt or use the special scheme for small enterprises.

Freelancers must issue invoices within five days of completing the service. Invoices must include the following information:

- The full name and address of the freelancer and the client

- The tax number or VAT identification number of the freelancer and the client

- The invoice number and date

- The date and place of the service

- The description and quantity of the service

- The net amount, VAT amount, and total amount

- The payment terms and methods Freelancers must use the Portuguese language and the Euro currency for their invoices, unless agreed otherwise with the client. Freelancers must charge and pay VAT at the standard rate of 23%, unless they are exempt or use the simplified regime.

The invoicing requirements and standards vary significantly by country and by the type and amount of service. Therefore, it is important to do your research and consult a professional accountant or tax advisor before you start invoicing your clients in a new country or across borders.

The Invoicing Methods and Tools

The invoicing methods and tools are the ways and means that freelancers use to create and send invoices to their clients. These include the software and platforms that they use, the formats and standards that they follow, and the security and authentication measures that they apply.


United Kindom

The Netherlands




Invoicing methods and tools

Freelancers can use various software and platforms to create and send invoices, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or online invoicing services. They can also use the Making Tax Digital platform to submit electronic invoices to the tax authority. Freelancers can use any format and standard for their invoices, as long as they comply with the invoicing requirements and standards. Freelancers must ensure the authenticity, integrity, and legibility of their invoices, by using electronic signatures, EDI, or other reliable methods.

Freelancers can use various software and platforms to create and send invoices, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or online invoicing services. They can also use the Simpler Invoicing platform to submit electronic invoices to public authorities. Freelancers can use any format and standard for their invoices, as long as they comply with the invoicing requirements and standards. Freelancers must ensure the authenticity, integrity, and legibility of their invoices, by using electronic signatures, EDI, or other reliable methods.

Freelancers can use various software and platforms to create and send invoices, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or online invoicing services. They can also use the ELSTER platform to submit electronic invoices to public authorities. Freelancers can use any format and standard for their invoices, as long as they comply with the invoicing requirements and standards. Freelancers must ensure the authenticity, integrity, and legibility of their invoices, by using electronic signatures, EDI, or other reliable methods.

Freelancers must use certified invoicing software or platforms to create and send invoices, such as the e-Factura portal or other approved services. They must also use the SAF-T (RO) standard to submit electronic invoices to the tax authority. Freelancers can use any format and standard for their invoices, as long as they comply with the invoicing requirements and standards. Freelancers must ensure the authenticity, integrity, and legibility of their invoices, by using electronic signatures, EDI, or other reliable methods.

Freelancers must use certified invoicing software or platforms to create and send invoices, such as the e-Fatura portal or other approved services. They must also use the SAF-T (PT) standard to submit electronic invoices to the tax authority. Freelancers can use any format and standard for their invoices, as long as they comply with the invoicing requirements and standards. Freelancers must ensure the authenticity, integrity, and legibility of their invoices, by using electronic signatures, EDI, or other reliable methods.

The invoicing methods and tools vary significantly by country and by the type of client. Therefore, it is important to choose the right software and platform for your invoicing needs, and to follow the relevant format and standard for your invoices.

The Invoicing Best Practices and Tips

The invoicing best practices and tips are the recommendations and suggestions that freelancers can follow to improve their invoicing process and results. These include ways to avoid common invoicing mistakes, to increase the chances of getting paid on time, and to manage their invoicing records and reports.


United Kindom

The Netherlands




Invoicing best practices and tips

- Use clear and concise language and layout for your invoices

- Include all the necessary information and details on your invoices

- Send your invoices as soon as possible after completing the service

- Agree on the payment terms and methods with your client in advance

- Follow up with your client if the payment is overdue

- Keep a copy of your invoices and receipts for at least six years

- Use a professional invoicing software or platform to automate and simplify your invoicing process.

- Use clear and concise language and layout for your invoices

- Include all the necessary information and details on your invoices

- Send your invoices as soon as possible after completing the service

- Agree on the payment terms and methods with your client in advance

- Follow up with your client if the payment is overdue

- Keep a copy of your invoices and receipts for at least seven years

- Use a professional invoicing software or platform to automate and simplify your invoicing process.

- Use clear and concise language and layout for your invoices

- Include all the necessary information and details on your invoices

- Send your invoices as soon as possible after completing the service

- Agree on the payment terms and methods with your client in advance

- Follow up with your client if the payment is overdue.

- Keep a copy of your invoices and receipts for at least 10 years

- Use a professional invoicing software or platform to automate and simplify your invoicing process.

- Use clear and concise language and layout for your invoices

- Include all the necessary information and details on your invoices

- Send your invoices as soon as possible after completing the service

- Agree on the payment terms and methods with your client in advance

- Follow up with your client if the payment is overdue

- Keep a copy of your invoices and receipts for at least 10 years

- Use a certified invoicing software or platform to comply with the tax authority's requirements.

- Use clear and concise language and layout for your invoices

- Include all the necessary information and details on your invoices

- Send your invoices as soon as possible after completing the service

- Agree on the payment terms and methods with your client in advance

- Follow up with your client if the payment is overdue

- Keep a copy of your invoices and receipts for at least 10 years

- Use a certified invoicing software or platform to comply with the tax authority's requirements.

The invoicing best practices and tips are similar for freelancers in the five countries, but there may be some differences in the legal and tax obligations. Therefore, it is important to follow the invoicing rules and regulations of your country, and to use the best invoicing methods and tools for your situation.

More resources for each country:

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general guidance and reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional tax advice. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. Different countries have different tax systems, rules, and rates that affect freelancers and small business owners. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a qualified fiscal consultant before you start freelancing in a new country or across borders. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the information or the consequences of relying on it.

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