Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 2nd, 2022

This notice describes how the information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information. Please review it carefully.

Hello and welcome to!

It is our utmost priority that your content is held safe at all times, so we have taken all possible measures to protect this promise, while delivering you the most qualitative services.  However, this is not possible without us collecting certain content from you, under the commitment that we will protect it and use it in the most transparent and secure way. This content might be provided by you, might be automatically collected or might be even gathered by others that we collaborate with in offering you the best services. Your content is used so we can offer services tailored to your own needs and expectations, but also to improve our product. Collecting your content might also be necessary in order to comply with the applicable law. We assure you that the information provided by you will not be disclosed without your consent, unless a specific exception is applicable. Your content is gathered through cookies which are instruments that help us track your browser activity. Keep in mind that, as owner of your content, you can customize the way it is handled.

Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are here to make you feel safe and protected!  

Long Version

This Privacy Policy is created in order to help you grasp better the way we ("") deal with the information  that we collect from you through our website, but also the efforts that we put into protecting it at all times. Visiting our website and using our services means that you accept with this Policy which is part of the Terms of Service.

Please keep in mind that it is our utmost priority to protect your content and to be transparent in the way we use it, so we kindly ask you to carefully read this Policy and make sure you understand it.

1.Types of data that we collect

There are different types of data that we collect during your interaction with our services and we will explain which are those in the following subsections:

1.1 Personal data provided by you

Through the normal use of our website and services, you are bound to provide us with certain personal data that we may collect. For example, when you create an account, you provide us information regarding your name, gender, e-mail, address or date of birth. Other data includes, but is not limited to: your phone number, home address, location, billing and credit card details.

1.2 Data that our clients collect

You as a Client might store on our platform data of individuals that are not in a direct relationship with us. This is why it is your duty to always notify and inform your clients or the third parties involved about the way you collect and store their content and how it is used.

1.3 Automatically-Collected information

Whenever you use our services, information regarding the way you act on our platform might be automatically gathered,  such as your IP address, browser type, the type of device you are using, other websites that you have previously or subsequently visited, your location, language settings, date and time of the visit and so on. We do this in order to be aware of your preferences and needs.

Cookies and web beacons are among the tracking technologies that we use to collect your data.

1.4 Collecting data from third parties and from integrated services

It is possible that we receive content from other sources, such as our partners, advertisers or service providers. Furthermore, if you make use of our service using the log-in details provided to you by an Integrated Service, such as a Google Account, then you authorize us to access the personal data that you provided to the Integrated Service, such as your name, email address, gender and other information that they might hold, information that is subject to this Privacy Policy.

One instrument that we use to collect useful data is Google Analytics which provides us with information regarding the way you use our website and services or what brought you on our website. Please keep in mind that Google has it own Privacy Policy that we advise you to acknowledge. The content collected through Google Analytics will not be used for identifying our users and visitors, but only for improving our services.

2. Using the content that we collect  

In order to offer you tailored services that meet your expectations, we need to know your preferences. So, the information that you provide to us is used in many ways:

  • To operate and provide our Service together with all its features;
  • To give our users the support and the assistance they need;
  • To be aware of the identity of our users and to grant them access to our Service;
  • To be able to contact our users whenever needed, regarding administrative issues or for advertising and promotion purposes;
  • To be up to date with our users' preferences, by gathering insights on  how they use our services;
  • To create more improved products and services that meet your needs and expectations;
  • To be in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations, national or international;
  • For any other purposes for which our users give their consent or of which they were aware at the time that they disclosed their personal information to us.

The information that we collect through Google OAuth API Scopes will be used only in accordance with the Google API Services User Data Policy and its Limited Use Requirements.

3. Disclosing your content

Your data is very valuable to us, so we will not disclose it to third parties, unless we have your consent or in the following situations:

3.1. Service Providers and third parties

To be able to offer you our product, we cooperate with Third Parties that perform certain services next to ours, such as hosting, data storage, payment processing. Your personal content might also be used for marketing purposes or for understanding your needs and the way you use our services. These third parties have access only to your personal content that is essential for them to be able to execute their services. They are also under the contractual obligation to keep your data confidential.

3.2 Transfer of the data

In case goes through changes in control, such as merger, acquisition, sale of assets or any other similar changes of ownership, the content of our clients might be transferred to the parties that take part in such a change.

The content that you provide to us might be disclosed when compliance with the law is imperative or when such a disclosure is required by a court order, a subpoena,  a warrant or by any law enforcement or governmental agencies that request our cooperation.

The personal content that we collect might be disclosed also in certain situations when there is a good-faith belief that it is essential in order to protect ourselves and the security of our service, to protect our rights and property, but also to protect ourselves from any kind of illegal activity.

4. Cookies

In order to offer you the best service, we and our service providers use cookies that help us track your browsing activity and give us information about your preferences and interests. There are several categories of cookies that we use:

  1. essential cookies: while these cookies  do not gather identity-related information, they are necessary in order for you to be able to use our services and to visit our website. They also track irregular site behavior and contribute to the security of our website.
  2. Performance cookies: these cookies are used to collect information about the way you use our website and how it performs. They merely help us improve our website and do not collect identity-related information.
  3. Functionality cookies: these cookies help us offer you a more personal experience of our services. They can collect information such as your username, the region form where you accessed our website, your preferences, but also the way you interact with our website. These cookies do not gather information about your activity on different websites and can be anonymized.
  4. Advertising and targeting cookies: these cookies are used for displaying relevant advertising, based on your interests. They also control how often you see an advertisement.

5. Your rights regarding your data

At any time you wish, you can access, modify or delete any content that you have provided to us. Should you not wish to share certain information to us, it is likely that you will not be able to enjoy all characteristics of our services.

In case you do not agree with the collection of navigation information by Google Analytics, you can use the Google Analytics Opt-out function.

You can also opt for not receiving emails with promotional content and for not receiving interest based advertisement. However, this does not mean that you will not receive advertisements anymore, but simply that they will not be based on your interests.

Should you have requests regarding any of the previously mentioned options, please contact us at [email protected]. It is our aim to respond to your request in 5 working days, but otherwise we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please keep in mind that even if you choose to make any modifications to the data that you provided to us, a copy of it will still be retained by us for archive purposes or for legal reasons.

6. Interest-based advertising

Because we want to provide you with a perfectly tailored experience, we use technologies from third-parties to collect information that will offer us insights on your interests. This way, we can display interest-based advertisements, so they are relevant to your needs and preferences.

Should you wish to opt-out of interest-based advertisements, please access the following websites: or

7. Do Not Track Policy

Do Not Track is a feature that allows you to choose whether or not you accept your activity being tracked by third-party websites. This gives us a signal regarding your wish. We are not requested to answer such a request, but we are doing it even so, because we want you, as our user, to feel safe and protected.

8. Minors

Our services are not destined for children under 18 years old, so we do not on purposely collect data of such a child without a parental consent. However, should such a situation happen, the content collected will be deleted and the account will be blocked.

9. Data Security

You already know by now that your information is of utmost importance to us. This is why we use physical, technical and managerial protection means, such as encryption, firewalls or multi-layered application, among others. However, no matter the extent to which we go to keep your data safe, we cannot guarantee a perfect protection. Thus, you make your content available to us at your own risk.

Should you ever have doubts regarding the security of your data, please contact us at [email protected]. We will also contact you should we ever become aware of a breach of your personal data.

Please check our Security Policy for further details regarding this matter.

10. Retaining Your Data

We do not wish to keep your data longer than needed for providing our services, being in line with the legal provision, but also for protecting ourselves from potential disputes. Hence, your content will be retained differently, depending whether it is data regarding deactivated accounts, information regarding billing, backed up information or data regarding legal transactions between you as a user and us as

11. Data Transfer

The content that we gather might be transferred and processed under the jurisdiction of a different country that you are in, including the United States. Nonetheless, all collected data is subject to this Privacy Policy.

Should you access our services from one of the EEA countries, it might be processed outside of the EEA. However, we assure you that the same warranties of protection are provided and that transferring your data will comply to the current requirements adopted by the European Commission, like the GDPR.

11. Data controller and Data Processor

You, as our customer, are the owner and the controller of your data, meaning that you are the only one who is entitled to determine how you want your data to be processed, while we, as, are the processor of your data. Thus, we are responsible only for processing your data according to your instructions. Our Service Providers will be regarded as sub-processors.

These concepts are subject to the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679 - "GDPR").

12. Communication

We might contact you through your email regarding service issues such as password reset procedure or billing notifications or regarding promotional updates, such as new features regarding our product and any information that we consider to be relevant to you.  

You can choose not to receive this kind of communications by sending us an email at [email protected]. Keep in mind that it is not possible to unsubscribe from all service communications, such as those regarding billing.

13. Modification of Privacy Policy

It is possible that we change this policy periodically, so we kindly ask you to check from time to time whether changes have been made. We will let you know of this change through an email notification and indicate the date of the latest modification. Continuing to use our services means that you agree with the existing Privacy Policy.

14. Contact details

Feel free to contact us whenever you encounter an issue, have a question or want to make a comment regarding our service. You can find us at [email protected].