HelpUser Guide • 1 min read

Time Tracking Module

Time Tracking Module

Time Tracking Module

Efficiently manage project time with the Time Tracking module. Log time entries with options for billability, details like title, description, customer, and time spent. Export data easily and enhance productivity with attachments and external links.


The Time Tracking module allows you to track your time on specific projects and manage your work efficiently.

Key Features

  • Logging Time: Click the "New" button to add a new time entry.
  • Exporting Data: Export your tracked time data to share with clients if needed.

Creating a New Time Entry

  1. Adding a New Entry:
    • Click on the "New" button.
    • Choose whether to log the time as billable.
  2. Details to Include:
    • Title: Provide a title for the time entry.
    • Description: Add a description of the task.
    • Customer: Select the customer for whom the work was done.
    • Time Spent: Enter the amount of time spent on the task.
    • Start and End Time: Specify when the task started and ended.
    • Tags: Add tags to categorize the entry.
    • Attachments: Include any relevant attachments.
    • External Links: Add external links related to the task.

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