HelpUser Guide • 1 min read

Products & Services Module

Products & Services Module

Products & Services Module

Effortlessly manage products and services with this module. Add and organize items for invoicing, including details like name, description, unit label (e.g., hour, piece), and prices. Streamline your invoicing process with comprehensive product and service management tools.


The Products & Services module allows you to add and manage your products and services for easy invoicing.

Key Features

  • Product and Service List: Displays a list of all your products and services.
  • Adding a New Product or Service: Click the "New" button to add a new product or service.

Creating a New Product or Service

  1. Adding Details:
    • Click the "New" button to open the form for adding a new product or service.
  2. Product or Service Details:
    • Title: Enter the name of the product or service.
    • Description: Provide a description of the product or service.
    • Unit Label: Specify the unit label (e.g., hour, piece, kg).
    • Prices: Enter the price details.

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