Time Tracking Module


The Time Tracking module allows you to track your time on specific projects and manage your work efficiently.

Key Features

  • Logging Time: Click the "New" button to add a new time entry.
  • Exporting Data: Export your tracked time data to share with clients if needed.

Creating a New Time Entry

  1. Adding a New Entry:
    • Click on the "New" button.
    • Choose whether to log the time as billable.
  2. Details to Include:
    • Title: Provide a title for the time entry.
    • Description: Add a description of the task.
    • Customer: Select the customer for whom the work was done.
    • Time Spent: Enter the amount of time spent on the task.
    • Start and End Time: Specify when the task started and ended.
    • Tags: Add tags to categorize the entry.
    • Attachments: Include any relevant attachments.
    • External Links: Add external links related to the task.