Expenses Module


The Expenses module helps you manage and track your expenses effectively.

Key Features

  • Table View: Displays expenses in a table format by default. You can switch to a grid view using the corresponding button.
  • Creating a New Expense: Click the "New" button to create a new expense. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Filters and Sorting: Apply filters and sort the table based on specific criteria to find expenses quickly.
  • Exporting Data: Export the table data to Excel by clicking the export button and selecting the columns you wish to include.
  • Customizing Columns: Customize the columns displayed in the table using the "Columns" button.
  • Pagination: Adjust the number of elements displayed per page and navigate through pages using the buttons at the right end of the table.

Creating a New Expense

  1. Initial Drawer View: When creating a new expense, a drawer will open. You can expand it to a step-by-step form for easier navigation.
  2. Sections in the Drawer:
  • Parties
  • Details
  • Amounts
  • Other Information
  1. Adding Elements: Some sections have "+" buttons (e.g., Supplier, Company, Tags, Category) that open a new drawer for adding that specific element without navigating away.
  2. Additional Features:
  • Attachments
  • Custom tags for organizing expenses