
Dashboard Overview

The dashboard provides a quick overview and access to key features through various widgets and reports.

Key Components

  • Quick Action Buttons: Quickly create a sales invoice or an expense.
  • Calendar: View and manage your schedule.
  • Interactive Reports: Includes reports on sold services/products, invoice collections, expenses by category, and expenses by supplier.

Reports Features

Each report offers the following customization options:

  • Date Filtering: Adjust the date range to view specific periods.
  • Chart Types: Choose between line or bar (stacked) charts.
  • Display Options: View the total amount or specific amounts (e.g. by supplier, expense category, service, or product).
  • Metrics: Select different metrics to analyze.
  • Grouping: Group data by criteria such as Day, Day of Month, Day of Year, Month, Quarter, Week of Year, or Year.

Quick Actions

The quick action buttons for creating a new sales invoice and a new expense open a drawer. This drawer can be expanded by clicking the "expand button," allowing you to add the necessary information.